Paper Title :Design and Construction of Engine Inertial Dynamometer for the Eco Arrow 3 Engine Testing
Author :Inż. Aleksandra Woźniak, Emil Bartczak,Lukasz Barszczak, Krzysztof Sobczyk, Inż. Rafał dychto, Hab. INŻ. Artur gutkowski
Article Citation :Inż. Aleksandra Woźniak ,Emil Bartczak ,Lukasz Barszczak ,Krzysztof Sobczyk ,Inż. Rafał dychto ,Hab. INŻ. Artur gutkowski ,
(2023 ) " Design and Construction of Engine Inertial Dynamometer for the Eco Arrow 3 Engine Testing " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 63-67,
Abstract : The work examines the current state of knowledge about the different types of dynamometer workstations and
reviews existing design solutions. Based on the fundamentally collected information, the basic assumptions were
established and the design work started. These included the selection of elements available on the market and the
development of other necessary parts. The stand was built on the basis of prepared technical documentation. The work
ended with the assembly of the engine inertial dynamometer. It is assumed that the first full tests will be carried out
during the preparation of the Iron Warriors team for the start of the competition in 2023.
Keywords - Dynamometer, Inertia, Engine, Torque, Power, Track Simulator
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-11,Issue-4
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Published on 2023-07-11 |