Paper Title :Reducing Vehicle Interior Noise Caused By Floor Panels
Author :Javad Marzbanrad, Shahin Hasani, Mojtaba Aghamirzaei, Farzaneh Khaleghian
Article Citation :Javad Marzbanrad ,Shahin Hasani ,Mojtaba Aghamirzaei ,Farzaneh Khaleghian ,
(2023 ) " Reducing Vehicle Interior Noise Caused By Floor Panels " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 40-43,
Abstract : Absorption and damping materials are used to control noise and vibration in the automotive industry. It is
reasonable to utilize FE analysis to determine the location of damping materials in order to reduce the time and cost
associated with developing a new automobile. In this study, a finite element model of the front, center, and rear floors, as
well as all adjacent panels, was created. Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) are performed, and the dynamic behavior of
the model is studied using the MSC Nastran software. Although covering all areas of the front and center floors with
damping material is the most effective method for reducing noise, doing so causes the mass to increase significantly, which
creates complications. To find the optimal solution, the results of the analysis were reviewed, and damping materials were
proposed to cover critical areas. The floor's mass would increase by 2.6% as a result of applying the optimal method.
Keywords - NVH, FEM, Damping Material, Floor panel
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-11,Issue-8
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2023-11-27 |