Paper Title :Co-Flow jet Control as an Alternative For civil Aircraft High Lift Configuration
Author :J.Abdul Khalid Sherief, A.Ajithkumar, G.K.P. Karlmarx, R.Ashish Jayandar, S.Manikandan
Article Citation :J.Abdul Khalid Sherief ,A.Ajithkumar ,G.K.P. Karlmarx ,R.Ashish Jayandar ,S.Manikandan ,
(2014 ) " Co-Flow jet Control as an Alternative For civil Aircraft High Lift Configuration " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 99-103,
Abstract : Abstract- The major aim of this paper is to present an alternative for the existing high lift devices in the conventional
passenger aircraft i.e., TRAP WING. This TRAP WING configuration calls for auxiliary control surfaces and power
requirements. Our aim is to use a flow control method, which would be incorporated in the wing to attain the same required
value of LIFT, thus there by relieving off the additional penalty in terms of movable control surfaces. We intend to achieve
this by implementing CO FLOW JET CONTROL. The Co-Flow Jet [CFJ] wing has a modified geometry in which there is
an injection and suction slot for producing an additional kinetic jet over the wing surface, by translating a major portion of
the suction surface downwards. A high energy jet is injected tangentially near the leading edge and sucked near the trailing
edge. This enhances a lateral transport of energy from the jet to the main flow, thereby establishing a circulation control
which in turn increases the lift produced. In this paper a CFD analysis is done on a wing which has CFJ control implemented
in it and a comparative study is done with the existing trap wing configuration. In order to provide an alternative for trap
wing high lift configuration, the existing trap wing profile is chosen and converted into a CO FLOW JET WING and has
been put forth for analysis. The CFD analysis is done using the Reynolds averaged 3D compressible Navier-Stokes (RANS)
equations as the governing equations. The turbulence model used is spalart allmaras with automatic scalable wall function.
The analysis is carried out for different angles of attack and various injection and suction parameters and corresponding
results are obtained and studied. The optimization of injection and suction parameters are done at the end of the study.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-4
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Published on 2014-04-22 |