Paper Title :Influence Of Cross-Sectional Area Of A Dynamic Magnifier For Vibration Energy Harvesting
Author :Vijay Kumar Sharma, K. Srikanth, A.K Viswanath
Article Citation :Vijay Kumar Sharma ,K. Srikanth ,A.K Viswanath ,
(2014 ) " Influence Of Cross-Sectional Area Of A Dynamic Magnifier For Vibration Energy Harvesting " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 82-85,
Abstract : Abstract- Vibration energy harvesting using ambient vibrations is gaining importance day by day due to the search for
alternative energy generators for small electronic devices. Cantilever beams with piezoelectric actuators mounted on it as
unimorph or bimorph structures are often used for this purpose. When these systems are vibrated, the strain produced in the
piezoelectric actuators will be directly proportional to the amount of energy generated. If a structure vibrates at its resonant
frequency, the strain produced will be maximum and therefore more power can be generated. A Dynamic Magnifier enhances
the induced strain in the energy harvesters and thereby helps to fit more modal frequencies in narrow bandwidth. In this paper,
the effect of different cross-sections of the Dynamic Magnifier on vibration energy harvesting is studied; the modal
frequencies of piezoelectric cantilever beam with and without magnifier are described. The results clearly showed that as the
cross-sectional area decreases, the natural frequencies fall in a smaller range and the efficiency of a vibration energy harvester
can be enhanced. The best cross section of the Magnifier beam is identified in the end.
Keywords- Dynamic Magnifier, Energy Harvester.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-5
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-05-19 |