Paper Title :Optimization Approach for Calibrating Emission Characteristics along with the Performance Characteristics based on Grey Taguchi Approach for a Single Cylinder GDI Engine
Author :Shubhankar Singh, Ripen Shah
Article Citation :Shubhankar Singh ,Ripen Shah ,
(2017 ) " Optimization Approach for Calibrating Emission Characteristics along with the Performance Characteristics based on Grey Taguchi Approach for a Single Cylinder GDI Engine " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 50-56,
Abstract : The idea of internal combustion engine was developed far back in 17th century when Christiaan Huygens used
gunpowder to drive water pumps, to pump water for the Versailles palace gardens, then in 1860 Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir
converted steam engine to Spark Ignition Engine, but present day only manufacturing these engines is not the issue, the
greatest issue is to make these engines up to the desired standards of BSFC, Emissions and other requirements that could met
the present day Legislative (Pollution Mandates) and Market (Economy)needs .
The Engines are the main source of GHG emissions, Carbon Monoxide is mainly released in gasoline engines due to partly
burnt fuel, The loosing of little amount of un-burnt fuel or power for the sake of knocking leads to increase in co emissions.
The Gasoline direct injection engines have a good potential to reduce the CO emissions in the emission spectra of the gasoline
engines. Efforts are made in the present study is done on the gasoline direct injection engine for optimizing the timing of
injection and other injection parameters for the optimal emissions and having good efficiency as that of a diesel Engine on
working at part load. The Optical Access is also utilized for the verification of combustion characteristics by capturing the
Images of combustion.
Index Terms - GDI Engine, Optical Access, Soot Particles, BSFC NO x, CO, Optimization.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-5
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-07-14 |